Fishing Smallmouth Bass In The Fall
Fall is by far one of the best times for fishing smallmouth in a lake. This is a dandy time to catch your limit of big fish.
Smallies like to stock up before for winter, a time when they are not as likely to get a belly full of shad or whatever baitfish is available in that lake.
So, the key is to locate baitfish. That's where you will find the smallies.
Your focus in the fall will not be much unlike in the spring. Set your sites on knee-deep shelves adjacent to deeper water (flats that drop sharply), also rocky humps and shoals with patches of grass mixed in.
Fish can be at any depth, but you will mostly want to look in 8 to 12 feet of water in the fall.
This is going to be a bit hit and miss because fishing smallmouths gather in large schools of up to 50 fish. So if you don't find them promptly, move on.
The best baits for this method are spinnerbaits, crankbaits, and hard jerkbaits fished quickly. These allow you to cover a lot of water fast. Keep the lure just under the surface.
When you do nail one and suspect there are more to be had, but they have declined your original offer, try using a slower moving bait like a soft plastic tube.
Work the area easy and entirely. Follow through is exceedingly significant to catching the maximum amount of fishing smallmouths